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Simon Danciger MBE


Chair of Trustees Simon is a long-time resident of Barnes and is actively involved in the community. Simon runs Barnes Auctions and organises the monthly Collectables Market around Barnes Pond. A keen marathon runner, you will spot him regularly flying along the towpath.

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Sue Carruthers

Sue has lived in Barnes for many years. She is passionate about all things local and keeping the village feel to Barnes. Sue now runs her own business, specialising in business communication skills training. She has been involved with OSO since the first Christmas Panto and organises and runs the Panto market stall, as well as attending as many shows as possible in the year!


Patrick Van den Bergh

Patrick’s background in architecture has brought him inevitably into contact with the arts. He has also been involved with the Barnes Community Players since 1997. It is his ambition to develop OSO as a versatile arts space in the centre of Barnes.


Mark Lumsden


Mark Lumsden has lived in Barnes for over ten years. He has been heavily involved in Barnes Primary School and St Mary's Barnes Scouts.  He is a trained cabinet maker and runs a property maintenance business. 


Julie Dangoor


Julie has lived in Barnes since 1998. A legal editor by profession, Julie is also co-director of The Political Cartoon Gallery & Café in Putney. She is a member of the Prospect magazine editorial team and also volunteers at OSO once a week as part of the Box Office team. Julie is delighted to join OSO as a Trustee, providing a link between her long-standing interest in the arts and her involvement in Barnes community affairs.

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Jamie Rycroft 

Jamie is the current manager of the Centre for Music Performance in Cambridge. He was the Programming and Marketing Manager at the OSO from Autumn 2018 to Summer 2019. He is also a freelance producer and technician.

Sharon Coussins

Sharon has been a local resident since 1992 and after a long stint in investment banking in the City, now runs Coussins Associates locally and is a guest lecturer at Roehampton University, as well as helping out at a charity for the homeless. She is best known at OSO as the producer of the highly popular Panto each Christmas.  

Richard Arnfield

Richard lived in Barnes peacefully for nearly 30 years before being snared by Simon into becoming a trustee.  With a corporate finance and commercial background in banking, IT and film production - but without any talent for singing, dancing or acting - Richard is content to support the OSO in a non-audience facing, less creative role. 

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